Peking Art Associates is proud to support ‘Circle Lines’, the inaugural exhibition of The Hurun Art Foundation, and a targeted media campaign in the UK.
In a circle of artists sharing a wealth of experience, from artistic training grounds, to academic posts, friendships and beyond, the bonds of connection and the transfer of ideas leave indelible marks. CIRCLE LINES, the inaugural London exhibition of artists supported by The Hurun Art Foundation at The China Exchange brings together a group of artists who have such shared experience and now, from mature or semi-mature standpoints in their careers, reflect on their own artists’ circle and the ‘full circle’ Chinese contemporary art has entered in looking for ways tradition can be modernised, particularly through the medium of ink, and the literati spirit. Rather than focusing on known ‘names’, The Hurun Art Foundation is most interested in supporting a cross-section of artists at various stages in their careers and often with links to the academic community.

On the occasion of the Hurun Report Art Foundation’s inaugural exhibition in London, Christie’s filmed Emily de Wolfe Pettit speaking about the exhibition, March 2016.
Please click to watch the interview: